Lemon Tart Recipe

Lemon Tart Recipe


For Crust pastry

flour 200 gm
Butter 150 gm
caster sugar 100 gm
vanila essence few drop

For lemon curd

egg yolk 100 gm
sugar 100 gm
melted butter 100 gm
lemon food color few drop
lemon essence few drop


For lemon curd combine the all ingredients in pan mix well and cook for 8 mints on slow flam
Lemon curd is ready let cool down on room temperature .
Now preheat the oven and prepaired the tart mould with grese of butter
for crust pastry add butter in bowl with caster suger mix well now add flour and venila essence and make a foft dough and keep it in refregerator for 20 mints
Now roll the dough with roller pin and cut the pastry with cutter and assemble in tart shells and bake in oven till golden brown.
Now let it cool completely ,then pour the curd on tart pastry and garnish with cherries.


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