Baklava Recipe

Baklava  Recipe 


Flour 150 gm
mix nut 200 gm
milk 1 cup
sugar 150 gm
honey 2 tbsp
lemon 1
Egg 1
Melted Butter 200 gm


First we make sugar syrub ,add 3/4  cup of water in pan bring to boil and add sugar,honey,and lemon cook till syrub become thick.
Now make phyllo pastry ,Add flour in bowl with egg and make a soft dough with water.
keep the rest for 20 mints .
Now makesmall balls of dough and flat the each ball with roller pin 
Now assemble the flat roti one by one with dust of plan flour.Now again flat them with roller pin .phello pastry is ready now
now assemble the phello pastry one by one with melted butter and nuts 
Cut the Baklava pastry as you like and bake in oven for 20  mints .
Now keep baklawa and suger both on room temperature then pour the syrub on baklava and rest for 4 hour
Baklawa is ready to serve now.


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